Take Your Team And Your Business To The Next Level!

It's Time To Take Control of Your Business and Your Life!

John's experience as an entrepreneur and leader has guided businesses and teams to avoid the pitfalls and mistakes he made while growing two companies to over $50M each over the past 20 years. In The $100M Journey, his personalized and customized programs guide the audience on how to shift their mindsets and build their businesses foundation and team for success. His ultimate goal is to help entrepreneurs around the globe build the business of their dreams while avoiding the many pitfalls of business growth.

#1 - Build a Culture of Intrapreneurship

Audience: Leadership Teams

It is practically impossible for a business to achieve wild success without talented and committed team members who are willing, able, and ready to perform at their highest level. In this session, John works with the leaders of a business (and the entrepreneurs) to guide them on how to create a win-win opportunity for both team members and the business by developing a culture of intrapreneurship.

This program aims to help your team break through and escape the Messy Middle and create a thriving, High Performance business by embracing a servant and situational leadership mindset that will help create a motivated team of intrapreneurs.
Key Learnings:

  1. Situational Leadership is the key to strong skill development among your team.
  2. Having a servant leadership mindset is instrumental as you become a mentor.
  3. Creating a win-win environment is crucial to building a High Performance team.

#2 - The 7 Principles of Entrepreneurial Success

Audience: Entrepreneurs

In this signature program, John shares insights on how to cross the chasm between a Lifestyle and a High Performance business without going off the cliff by following the 7 Principles of Entrepreneurial Success.
Specifically tailored for entrepreneurs, John emphasizes the profound importance of having clarity of the entrepreneurs personal life plan and aligning such with the businesses Strategic Business Plan.
John's ultimate objective is clear: to empower entrepreneurs by steering them away from the pitfalls he encountered on his own journey to building a $100 million business. With a commitment to growth done the right way, John invites you to explore a transformative approach to leadership and business success.
Key Learnings:

  1. Entrepreneurs must align their personal life plans with their business's strategic plan.
  2. In order to build the high performing business asset, entrepreneurs must execute the 7 Principles of Entrepreneurial Success.
  3. Entrepreneurs must succeed at having Patient Ambition if they seek to build their business "the right way".

#3 - Find Your Purpose & Kick Some Ass!

Audience: All

Most go through life without a Life Plan to only wake up one day and wonder "what just happened"?

In this program, John will guide the audience through the importance of knowing exactly what you want in life and how to find that purpose. The audience will not only feel incredibly empowered, they will walk away with a step-by-step workbook on how to create their own True North Life Plan that will forever change and guide their lives.

Key Learnings:

  1. “Patient Ambition” is the art of accepting delayed gratification instead of the addiction to needing instant gratification for your efforts.
  2. How to create a 30 year Life Plan to help you live the life of your dreams!
  3. How to wake up everyday with clarity on what needs to be accomplished by training your sub-conscious mind.

Why Book John For Your Next Event

Proven Success

John has a track record of building profitable high-performing businesses and coaching leaders to lead high-performing teams.

Engaging Approach

Known for his dynamic and interactive speaking style, John captivates audiences with relatable stories and actionable takeaways.

Customized Content

John tailors his presentations to meet the specific needs of your audience, ensuring relevance and maximum impact.

Practical Strategies

Attendees leave with practical strategies they can implement immediately, creating lasting change within your organization.

About the Book The $100M Journey

The $100 Journey will guide you through the treacherous terrain of entrepreneurship. We'll examine the catastrophic mistakes that have led countless entrepreneurs, including myself, to lose everything they have built. But more importantly, we'll uncover the 7 Principles of Entrepreneurial Success that will empower you to rise above the odds and create the business of your dreams.

Rave Reviews

Packed with Actionable Strategies for Entrepreneurs

“This book is packed with actionable strategies for entrepreneurs who want to build and grow a business sustainably without repeating the same mistakes others have made. Every business leader needs this book in their library.”

Rich Hoffmann
Co-Host EU Podcast

Insights Beyond Just Theoretical Guidance

“The $100M Journey is not just another business book. Having been both a witness and mentor to John’s relentless pursuit of growth and success firsthand, his insights go beyond just theoretical guidance. It’s humble, practical, personal—and it’s proven.”

Charlie Chase
CEO California Closets

Every Leader Needs to Devour This

“John & I both cut our teeth in business 30 years ago at College Pro Painters. His book is a must-read, packed with actionable strategies for entrepreneurs who want to sustainably build and grow a business without repeating the same mistakes we’ve both made. Every leader needs to devour this”

Cameron Herold
Author of Vivid Vision

An Outstanding Read

“An outstanding read that will help management navigate business obstacles and provide proven techniques to uplift Profit, Cash and Value.”

Alan Miltz
Co-author Scaling Up by Verne Harnish (Cash Component), Co-Founder Cash Flow Story used in 96 Countries globally

'Failure' Can Be a Momentary Re-Direction

“Failure…it’s such a harsh word that many of us seem to fear and avoid. The Author of the $100M Journey takes us on a personal journey showing that ‘Failure’ can be a momentary re-direction leading us to learn and grow, while providing an opportunity for greater success and satisfaction on our own personal journey.”

Jeff Wall
CEO of Handyman Connection

Valuable and Inspiring Resource

“An incredibly valuable and inspiring resource packed with actionable strategies for successful business practices. An absolute must-read for anyone in the entrepreneurial space.”

Rande Somma

GPS Guide to the Promised Land

“You can’t get to your destination without embarking on the correct journey. John’s book provides a better than GPS guide to the promised land for every hopeful entrepreneur. John reminds us that if we fall flat on our face, then we are at least falling forward in the pursuit of our entrepreneurial dreams.”

Steve Cohen, Esq.
Devine Millimet

A Powerful and Candid Read

“A powerful and candid read about turning failure into success and showcasing what it takes to build a successful, sustainable company.”

Verne Harnish
Founder Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), author of Scaling Up (Rockefeller Habits 2.0)

The $100M Journey is the Perfect Guide

“The best lessons learned are those born out of failure. The $100M Journey is the perfect guide for entrepreneurs to navigate the difficult challenges and create a path for success.”

Vince Pastore, CPA
Vince Pastore, CPA - Partner, HBK Advisors

The 100M Journey is a Must-Read

“If you’re an entrepreneur looking to start a business or an executive looking to scale your company, the $100M Journey is a must-read.”

Ted Ma
Leadership Strategist

Valuable Lessons, Real-Life Stories, and Important Strategies

 “This book is an essential read for any emerging business leader. It offers valuable lessons, real-life stories, and important strategies based on the author’s experience in growing multiple companies between $50M and $100M.” 

Jeffrey Unger
Founder and CEO of G2 Capital Advisors

Start Here, and Pay Attention

“John is a savvy entrepreneur, an intrepid adventurer, and a compelling storyteller. He has given us an inside look at the sometimes perilous and scary journey on the road of starting, growing, scaling, and ultimately conquering the mountain of the business visionary. If you want to grow your dream in the business sense, start here, and pay attention.”

Kellan Fluckiger
10x Amazon International Bestselling Author, Creator of "The Results Equation."

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